Art - to - Go
Landscape artist: Karen Woodin
Springtime Medley Exhibit
357 Riverview Road
Rexford, New York 12148
Open: 9am to 2pm
[email protected]
Price List - Description
1. Family of Sheep (oil)$500 + tx
(18" x 24") center
2. Misty Vischer Ferry (oil) $300 + tx
(12" x 24") upper right
3. Bridge of Hope (giclee) $100 +tx
(8" x 10") upper left
4. River Flowers (oil) $400 +tx
(16" x 20") mid bottom
5. Mohawk River View (oil) $300 + tx
(12" x 24" ) middle right
6. Spring Creek Waterfall (oil) $350 + tx
(16" x 20") bottom left
7. Spring River Path Reflection (oil) $350 + tx (12" x 20") bottom right
1. Call or email Vischer Ferry General
[email protected]
2. Provide description of painting.
3. Make credit card payment over the phone with Louise or George.
4. Set up a time to pick up artwork - open 9am to 2pm WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY
5. Pick up item at front porch - labeled/packaged.