Mansion Inn of Saratoga
Oil Painting Workshop
"The Arbor"
Date: Sunday, June 3 rd, 2018 Time: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Instructor: Karen Woodin
(award winning regional artist)
Location: The Mansion Inn of Saratoga
(Class will be outdoors under the pavillion)
801 NY-29, Rock City Falls, NY 12863
Description: Learn the various steps to paint a beautiful Arbor of the Historic Mansion Inn with its bountiful cascade of floral accents using oils on an 8 x 8 canvas. This relaxing afternoon class is ideal for painters of all skill levels. Oil paints, brushes and canvas will be provided. You will receive 3 hours of professional instruction along with refreshments served at a separate table. Tour of the Mansion optional after class.
Course fee: $60
Advance registration and payment received no later than May 22nd.
Pamela Stendardi
Art coordinator for the Mansion Inn of Saratoga @ (518) 466-8043.
Provide your name, phone number, and email address.